Saturday, September 28, 2013

FINE WINE! Buy it from the House of Mandela.

BUY fine wine.

From the august family of the Mandelas comes a class wine company, making and distributing their wines that's so fine i give it a high five.

These female southern "belles" of South Africa's most honored illustrious family whose paternity is Nelson, heads this fine company the House of Mandella.

Read on at and of their worldwide distribution and marketing info at

Credits to Sonia Alleyne, editorial director of Black Enterprise for the great article on the House of Mandella's "Spirit of South Africa" article July/August 2013. Thank you.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

QUESTIONS EXISTING : Are so many of the general public so unenlightened? Are so many of the general public not an enlightened citizenry? Do they seem like robots without a mind to think critically, independently and operate like robots not having the capacity to use their brains with commonsense, unless they are artificially programmed a certain way like robots who don't have a real brain to use? Aren't they fed a daily dose of propanganda, sensationalism, related schisms and "dumbing-down" mechanisms and by mainstream "pundits" and culprits?

The fact is that people do have brains but do they use it to their full potential intelligently? No? What would it take to do so? If no and the overwhelming majority of people don't then that's sad, so sad. And why don't they?

Forget about the appearance of people for a moment, look beyond that. How undesirable are they when they are not using their brains to its full/est intellectual ability. Aren't people undesirable when they express in word and deed things undesirable? Aren't they just a product of their environment? In a biblical term it is said "judge not unless yea be judged", but don't we desire a more enlightened citizenry.  Do we just ignore them?

There is a saying "ignorance is bliss" and it sure can be. Right?! If not having the conscious presence of mind of things right from wrong of which should be so obvious is ignorance, then why should that be blissful? It really shouldn't be a blissful state of mind and emotion. If one is ignorant, one is unenlightened and uneducated to some degree. And so, ignorant people are unenlightened and uneducated to varied degrees and that run the gamut to such ignorance for those who are. No one is perfect as I myself am not. I'm sure I am ignorant at some time, in some ways and I continue to be work in progress. But, I am and will remain cognizant of word and deed. Many adults who should know better don't, they just don't. Much is to be said about being "creatures of habit", the environment in which we live, our words and deed, parenting and the quality and quantity of it, values, morals, principles and virtues. All that for another day and time. Same IT different DAY. To be continued ..... while QUESTIONS remain, questions EXISTING.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


While Congressional members discuss cutting like everything under the sun (THAT DOESN'T AFFECT THEM), pray tell me when are they going to take their pay cut. They sit looking pretty looking to make cuts "across the board", well, except for milary spending, cuts to the state department, cuts to their bosses (not the American people now), the corporatists whose pockets these legislators are in being puppets to satisfy their corporate greed in getting such things like tax breaks, and giant loopholes where opponents of these sweet deals in Washington seem unable to close but the gaps appear to be widening. Result from these unfairness by these "crooked" politician is nothing but a reverse roninhood scheme fleecing from the havenots, hardworking americans, to the haves, whose unspoken slogan is GREED IS GOOD and more greed is better. What say you is best? I say ENOUGH! What do you say and do people? Cuts are even to be made to the farm bill. Congress just passed this pass week, or should I say the Republican House who hold the majority there, just passed a bill to reduce benefits that go nutritional program like WIC, EBT/SNAP. I suppose this is okay while request for stepped up funding for military be approved?! Military contractors I think are salivating at the thought of US increased involvement in the middle east like Syria, Iran, and the continued upheaval between Israel and the Palestinians, the instabilities in places like Libya, Egypt, and sporadic places in northern Africa as they see the profitability continued and ongoing in areas it already is and the viability of profit from instability in the horizon in other areas in the world where the US may get engaged in. When does it all end?  It seem a neverending story as one international warring situation ends, another spring up. Back to the cuts; will Congress be the first to "step up to the plate" first for their serving of cuts. I would like to hold my breathe for that.


 My thoughts : South African blacks STILL "at the bottom of the rung" if these numbers don't lie.

Makes me wanna holla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


This article was recently featured by the Ed Schultz msnbc show :

After reading this article, I looked to another article that was featured in the Huffinton Post, an article by Algernon Austin for a further, more in depth view of this racial wealth divide. Hugh of WBAI in New York gave this day 4/4/13 of his to highlight the issues of the blackwhite weath divide. :

For solutions, there are no shortage for solutions. There are miriads to this issue. One way is as follows from this article from NPR and its two related stories.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My curiosity would not kill my cat when this Asian (persuasion) persuades on why AfricanAmericans are at the bottom in society
Why buy black first? Lets take a moment to ponder this . . . . . . . . or maybe not. It should be obvious, shouldnt it?